Chesapeake Integrated Behavioral Healthcare
Prevention Services

Chesapeake Prevention and Wellness Coalition
CP&WC supports Chesapeake Thrives by hosting a variety of community partners once a month, with an aim towards increasing access to behavioral health supports and education, promoting community awareness of behavioral health and wellness prevention, intervention and treatment resources, and decreasing the stigma associated with behavioral health conditions, services and treatment. Coalition meetings provide attendees with an opportunity to collaborate on current and future initiatives directed towards improving the behavioral health prevention, treatment, and recovery capacity of our community.
Who's at the table?
We are very grateful to have a wide array of city departments, community partners, and private citizens at our meetings.
Current members include:
American Legion Post 280, BrightView Health, CIBH Peer Recovery Services, CIBH Prevention Services, Chesapeake Police Department, Chesapeake Public Schools, Chesapeake Human Services - Division of Community Programs and 55+ Program, Chesapeake Parks and Recreation, Chesapeake, Health Department, CHKD, Family in Focus, Kempsville Center for Behavioral Health, NAMI Coastal Virginia, Life Consultants Inc., Kids Kin N' Caregivers Inc., Optima Health
Chesapeake Thrives:
Caring About Our Community's Well-Being
Chesapeake Thrives is a public/private partnership that seeks to connect residents to services at any stage of their life by addressing eight priority areas: Aging in the Community, Behavioral Health, Early Childhood, Health, Housing, Poverty and Economic Support, School-Age Programs and Support, and Workforce Development.
Call 757-382-CITY (2489) to access services.
Meetings: Who & When
Who: Anyone who wants to make an impact on the overall behavioral wellness of Chesapeake is welcome to join us at our meetings!
When: Our current meeting schedule is every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 2:30pm.
If you would like to join us, please email
Kristen Martin at kmartin@chesapeakeibh.net or
Michelle Morgan-Jackson at mmjackson@chesapeakeibh.net