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Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES)

These include neglect, abuse, and household dysfunction experienced by children under 18. Learn more about ACEs and what you can do to prevent and/or support change at home and in our community 


This training can be delivered in 1, 2, or 3-hour format and can be either virtual or in-person.


Adult & Youth Mental Health First Aid

An 8 hour course designed to teach citizens methods of assisting someone who may be in the early stages of developing a mental/emotional health problem or in a mental health crisis.


The adult course is for adults who interact with adults. The Youth course is for adults who interact with youth. 


Both versions of Mental Health First Aid are 8-hour courses and can only be  in-person.


Revive! Naloxone Training

An opioid overdose and Naloxone education training program. REVIVE! trains individuals to be prepared for, recognize and respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone. 


This training is 1 to 1.5 hours and can be either virtual or in-person. 


Johnny's Ambassadors 

Johnny’s Ambassadors is on a mission to educate teens, parents, and communities about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana and the effects it has on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicide. Prevention's focus is on youth marijuana awareness, prevention, and education. We share data-driven facts and clear messaging with teens and parents to reduce the likelihood that youth will use marijuana and stop progression to more problematic use. Our goals are to keep youth from using marijuana and increase their perception of harm in using.


Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) 

Two- day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety.


This training can only be in-person.


QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer)

​To save lives and reduce suicidal behaviors by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training. We believe that quality education empowers all people, regardless of their background, to make a positive difference in the life of someone they know.


This training is roughly 1.5 hours long and can be done either virtual or in-person.



safeTALK is a LivingWorks suicide alertness program that teaches community members to recognize persons with thoughts of suicide and to connect them to suicide intervention resources.


This training is 3-hours and can only be done in-person.



See a training you would like? Visit our "Contact us" page to get in touch with prevention staff today! 


**If you are interested in Prevention hosting a training, presentation, or screening, please allow 4 weeks in advance to schedule.**


**Not located in Chesapeake and need a training, presentation or screening? Feel free to contact us and we can refer you to the correct CSB resource.**

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